Islamic Studies – The Solution of Crisis in Madinah during Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم – Quran Verses 24 & 33

Quranic Studies – English Lectures

Translation & Explanation Presentation

Audio Lectures

Al-Noor – 24 Verse

Social Law

Al Noor 1-26 – Procedure of the Court & Individuals – Fornication, Criminal Claim & Propaganda

Next: Al Noor 27-31 & 58-64 – Personality Development – Attitude during deal with Men & Women

Al Noor 32-57- God’s Law about Slavery & Reasons of the Allah’s Law & Faith – Avoid Hypocrisy

Al-Ahzaab – 33 Verse

Crisis Management – Trench War, End of Prophethood & Harassment Punishment

Al Ahzaab 1-27- Crisis Management – Trench War & Attitude of Prophet Muhammad

Al Ahzaab 28-73- Family of the Prophet vs Harassments Punishment + Finish of Prophethood

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Islamic Studies – The Solution of Crisis in Madinah during Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم – Quran Verses 24 & 33
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