ISP-EnglishClassical Arabic Language (Home Page)
—– Module AR01: Arabic Language & Grammar – Level 1
—– Module AR02: Arabic Language & Grammar – Level 2
—– Module AR03: Arabic Language & Grammar – Level 3
—– Module AR04: Arabic Language & Grammar – Level 4
—– Module AR05: Advanced Arabic Language – Level 5
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Quranic Arabic
Urdu & English Books:
Quranic Studies
—– Module QS01: Selective Readings from the Holy Quran
—– Module QS02: Comparative Studies of Quranic Exegesis – Part 1 – Verses 1 to 5
—– Module QS03: Comparative Studies of Quranic Exegesis – Part 2 – Verses 6 to 9
—– Module QS04: Comparative Studies of Quranic Exegesis – Part 3 – Verses 10 to 24
—– Module QS05: Comparative Studies of Quranic Exegesis – Part 4 – Verses 25 to 49
—– Module QS06: Comparative Studies of Quranic Exegesis – Part 5 – Verses 50 to 114
—– Module QS07: Advanced Quranic Studies
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Urdu & English Books:
Lectures in English & Urdu:
Sunnah & Hadith Studies
—– Module HS01: Selection of Hadith – Basic
—– Module HS02: Introduction to Hadith Studies (Uloom ul Hadith)
—– Module HS03: Application of Hadith Studies on a Sample of Ahadith
—– Module HS04: Selection from Hadith Literature – Advanced Lectures
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Urdu Books:
Personality Development (Tazkiyah Nafs)
—– Module PE01: Personality Development – Basic
—– Module PE02 to PE05: Tazkiyah Nafs – Advanced
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Personality Development
Urdu & English Books:
Urdu Lectures:
Islamic Jurisprudence
—– Module FQ01: Fundamentals of Islamic Shariah
—– Module FQ02: Comparative Study of different Schools of Jurisprudence
—– Module FQ03: Comparative Jurisprudence (1)
—– Module FQ04: Comparative Jurisprudence (2)
—– Module FQ05: Comparative Jurisprudence (3)
—– Module FQ06: Modern Issues related to Jurisprudence
—– Module FQ07: Principles of Jurisprudence (Usool-ul-Fiqh)
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Urdu Books:
Comparative Theology – Muslim World
—– Module CS01: Sunni, Shi’a and Ibadhi
—– Module CS02: Salafis and Non-Salafis
—– Module CS03: Mainstream Muslims vs. Fringe Groups claiming Islam
—– Module CS04: Comparative Study of different Schools of Jurisprudence
—– Module CS05: Sufis and Non-Sufis
—– Module CS06: Political, Militant, Missionary and Intellectual Movements in the Muslim World
—– Module CS07: Traditionalism, Modernism and Moderate Modernism
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Urdu Books
English Books:
Comparative Theology –World Religions and Philosophies
—– Module WR01: An Overview of World Religions and Philosophies
—– Module WR02: World Religions and Philosophies — Theology and Morality
—– Module WR03: World Religions and Philosophies — Law and Jurisprudence
—– Module WR04: World Religions and Philosophies — History
—– Module WR05: Orientalism and Islam
Urdu Book:
Islamic Missionary Work (Da’wah)
—– Module DW01: Fundamentals of Islamic Da’wah
—– Module DW02: Islamic Da’wah – Advanced Studies
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Urdu Books:
Muslim Civilization History
—– Module HH01: Start of Humanity to Prophet Muhammad 75000BC-571CE (may Allah bless Him)
—– Module HH02: Biography of Prophet Muhammad 571-632 CE (may Allah bless Him)
—– Module HH03.1: The Age of Companions and Ummayads 632-750CE
—– Module HH03.2: Disputed Issues related to the Age of Companions 632-750CE
—– Module HH04.1: Abbasid Caliphate 750-1258CE
—– Module HH04.2: Muslim Spain and the Mongol Empire 750-1492CE
—– Module HH05.1: Gunpowder Empires and the Modern Age 1258-1924CE
—– Module HH05.2: Religious, Intellectual, Missionary and Civilizational History of Muslims 1258-1924CE
—– Module HH06: Modern History 1924CE-Today
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Urdu Books:
Biographical Studies
—– BS01: Biography of the Prophet – Great Role in Human History (may Allah bless Him)
—– BS02: Career of the Prophet as a Teacher, Administrator, Ruler, Military Leader, Social Transformer
—– BS03: Questions of Modern Age on the Biography of the Prophet
—– BS04: Biographies of the Great Prophets of Past (may Allah bless all Prophets)
—– BS05: Biography of Selected Companions of the Prophet
—– BS06: Biography of the Most Effective Personalities of the Muslim History
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Islam and Modern Sciences
—– Module MS01: Islam and Issue of Social Sciences — Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology etc.
—– Module MS02: Islamic Economics
—– Module MS03: Islam and Issues of Natural Sciences
—– Module IM04: Islam and Modern Philosophy
Research Methods for Religious Studies
—– RM01: Research Methods for Religious Studies
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