Questions about Personal & Career Development

If only Islam is the true religion then why Allah didn’t make all World Muslim?

Happiness in Daily Life

Friendship with a person involved in Sin

How to get rid of Dilemma in my job?

Questions about Personal & Career Development

How to get rid of Financial Problems?

Risk & Reward – Balancing Ethics, Risk & Entrepreneurship

How to get rid of Financial Problems, Depression and Homosexuality?

How to get rid of Financial and Family Problems?

How to get rid of a riba-based job?

A Golden Rule to do Business!

Using Unlicensed Software

Doing Religious Work at Job?

Personality Disorders

Backbiting at workplace

How to deal with a sensitive child?

Anger Management

Am I a Hypocrite?

Cheating bosses of Customers???

Wazeefa for Surgery

Fake Medical Certificate


What to do in case of High Sexual Desires?

Adultery and Guilt

Psychological Problems of Dual Personality, Guilt and Sexual Behavior

My Modest Wife vs. Attractive Women in the Office

Whatever religious questions appair in your mind, send to email at

Islamic Studies – English

Quranic Studies – English Books

Quranic Studies – English Lectures

Quranic Arabic Language 

Quranic Arabic Language Lectures

Hadith – Prophet’s Knowledge & Practice English

Methodology of Hadith Research English

Islamic Jurisprudence علم الفقہ

Personality Development


Quranic Studies – English Lectures

Islamic Studies – Al-Fatihah 1st Verse & Al-Baqarah 2nd Verse

Islamic Studies – Al-Imran – 3rd Verse

Islamic Studies – Al-Nisaa – 4rd Verse

Islamic Studies – Al-Maidah – 5th Verse Quran – Covenant – Agreement between Allah & Us

Islamic Studies – The Solution of Crisis in Madinah during Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم – Quran Verses 24 & 33

Islamic Studies – The Forecast of Victory of Prophet Muhammad – Quran 47-114

Islamic Studies – Al-Anfaal – 8 Quranic Verse – Policies of War

Islamic Studies – Al-Taubah – 9 Quran Verse – The Result of Victory

Quranic Studies

Comments on “Quranic Studies Program”

Quranic Arabic Program – Lectures

Hadith Research English Lectures

Hadith – Prophet’s Knowledge & Practice

Methodology of Hadith Research

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Questions about Personal & Career Development
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