Day: December 21, 2022

Was Sahifa Hamam Ibn Munabbih fake?

Dear Brother Assalam o alaikum I read this article on Kindly share your views about it. Muhammad Ilyas Mir Sri Nagar, Kashmir, India May 2011 SAHEEFAH OF HAMMAM BIN MUNABBEH [Saheefah means Scroll.] Saheefah Hammam ibn Munabbih is supposedly the earliest known collection of Ahadith compiled by the 8th century scholar Hammam ibn Munabbih. No one […]

Unauthentic Websites on Islam

Assalamalaikum. hope u r will….. Some of my friends said that many of the Islamic named sites [90%] are operated by Jews and other anti-Islamic organizations. One of my friends visited a website but later came to know  that the above site is of some deviated sect of Islam [probably of some khilafa named person from Egypt….]. The general […]

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