What to do in case of High Sexual Desires?

Question: Assalamu Alaikum ustad. 

Its been over a year since I am facing this problem.I have really high sexual desires. I always fall for masturbation. I really dont know how to get relief from it. I would like to know your kind advice. (I can’t fast because family wont let me do it). Jazakallah khaira.

Answer: Wa alaikum us Salam wa Rahmatullah e wa Barakatuhu Son

It is normal phenomena which happen with every youth boy because due to age, sexual demand increases a lot. According to Shari’ah, you must avoid from ladies and boys to do sex because it is the biggest sin. 

For mostarbation, nothing is mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. To minimize mostarbation, the solution is that you should avoid sweets because sexual demand increases due to energy in the blood. After some times, when you will be merried, then you will not need mostarbation as you and your wife will conduct sex and then you will enjoy sweets as well. Avoiding sweets, mostarbation will exist but at least it will be minimized. 

Some special suggestions regarding this are following;

  1. Watching porn videos is the main leading cause to masturbation. So, if you can avoid it then it will help you to get rid of it indirectly.
  2. Eating fast food (pizza, burger, pasta) and meat products boost up your sexual desires. So you must keep check on eating these kind of things..
  3. Try to spend your time in gatherings… Don’t be alone in a room. When you are alone your emotions will compel you to do negative things. You can also ask a friend or a family member to have an eye on your daily business and if they find you alone with a mobile they should ask you “What are you doing?”
  4. Offer prayers five times a day and pray to Allah Almighty to bless you to get out of this problem.
  5. Recite Surah Yusuf with translation. There is a huge lesson for us in Prophet Yusuf’s story. It was a case that many women tried to suggest the Prophet Yusuf علیہ الصلوۃ والسلام to do sex. But the Prophet requested from Allah to get rid of it. Whenever a sexual desire or negative emotion overpowers you, seek immediately for Almighty’s help.. It will definitely work as did in Hazrat Yusuf case.
  6. Take this worldly life as a test.. And the real test is when shaitan or negative emotions compel you to do a haraam or forbidden thing, and you maintain your sanctity… This is not a test when you are always in a gathering and say that I don’t do masturbation or anything like this.. Because in the gathering you don’t have any urge.. The urge will always come to you when you are alone… So, keep it in mind that if you do a negative thing 10/10 and don’t do it when no urge then you are failing the test.

www.mubashirnazir.org and mubashirnazir100@gmail.com

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عہد صحابہ اور جدید ذہن کے شبہات
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 امت مسلمہ  کی  ریکوری  کا دور  ۔۔۔  سیاسی، مذہبی، علمی، دعوتی اور تہذیبی تاریخ 1924سے آج تک
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مسلم دنیا اور ذہنی، نفسیاتی اور فکری غلامی
نفسیاتی، فکری اور ذہنی غلامی کا سدباب کیسے کیا جا سکتا ہے؟
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What to do in case of High Sexual Desires?
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