Day: January 9, 2023

Valid Reasons for Seeking Divorce

Dear Brother Mubashir Nazir I wish to know what are the ground is permitted under Sharia that allow a Muslim woman to seek obtain divorce. I have read through the views of Medieval Jurists that present very limited options and almost impossible conditions for obtaining divorce while the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) allowed […]

Relation with Wife after Marriage but before starting Living Together

Asalam o alaikum Dear Mubasshir shab I have married a girl but still we are separated (Rukshati nai hoi) due  to some reason. Before Nikah (marriage) we were talking only on descent topics but now we talk on every matter. I want to ask what are the limitations now between us as some times our discussions go beyond decency kindly guide?? Thanks Regards Dear Brother Wa alaikum us […]

Does Islam consider Women equal to Men?

It is a widely spread view in the people of Indian Subcontinent that Islam has declared women inferior to men. This notion has nothing to do with Islam. In fact, this belief is a product of our ancient traditions which are reinforced by misusing the religion. In our societies, our ladies are always taught to […]

Quranic Social Framework

Aslam U Alakum Could you please send me explanation of Soorah Nahal ayat 90 Innallah yamuro biladle walehsane……………………………….. jazakallah. Jamal Ahmed Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Dear Brother Assalam o alaikum wa Rahmatullah I’ll appreciate if you please introduce yourself. The verse is one of the great verses of the Holy Quran that was admired by many […]

Programming Interest Calculations Formula in a Software

Dear Mubashir Sb. Assalam o alykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh I am writing this just for a question please answer soonest. Jazak Allah khair. QUESTION: By profession, I am a software developer and besides my job I undertake freelance projects. One of my prospect, wanted me to develop an application that they will be selling to banks. Detail: The application is actually “Utility Bills Collection System”. […]

Compatibility of Astrology with Islam

Assalam-o-alikum! I visited a website about astrology and numerology. I just want to know about whether this “ilam” has any solid ground. Actually there are many people specially someone who is very close to me but strongly believe on this knowledge, and he also have lot of knowledge about it I am witness that many […]

What is meant by “Lowering of Gaze?”

Assalam-o-alikum! I have a question about Ghad-ul-Basr ” Lowering of gaze”. We encounter this thing in every day life while interacting with females. How to do it? I have done a lot of research on it but I have seen two kinds of people: the one who never lower down their gaze while interacting with females and the one who […]

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