Cheating Bosses of Customers???

Assalam alaikum,

 this question was asked about my brother and although i have answered but I am not satisfied with my answer.

Q… I am working in an electronics shop where we wholesale many electronic components. we get customers from companies and other shops who take bulk amounts. now there is a system of ‘commission’ in market here…usually the boss of company/shop don’t come. they have specially hired people (on salary) for this purpose i.e. finding the required material, making deal and getting supplies…the boss only pays the bill…he doesn’t know what is going on in market and what is price of stuff….now if something is being sold to that ‘middle man’ for 90,the price written on receipt will be 100, and that man will get 10 ‘as illegal commission’ … I am sitting on shop and I am concerned with selling my item. If I am ok with 90,i will definitely sale  but when it comes to making receipt they demand that i write 100, and if i refuse he will go to the other shop keeper who will do it… there are very less honest customers and usually wholesalers have to deal with these ‘middle men’ … what should i do in this situation.

A… I told him that try to avoid such a situation if possible. if not then do one thing.. when ever a customer wants a higher price receipt then make sure u advice them on moral and Islamic grounds about this wrong practice. Still if they insist then make the receipt as asked…

(ideally i would have said that flatly refuse these activities, but my brother is not owner of this shop, he is only a worker, and even i know how corrupt is market situation….)

A Sister

Respected Sister

Wa alaikum us salam wa Rahmatullah e wa Barakatuhu

I agree with your advice. Ask your brother to try to switch to another job where he has not to face the same situation. He can improve his qualifications and move to a new career in the long run. For the time being, he can work at the same place, if he has no other option.

Actually, our entire business environment has become corrupt and people are trying to deceive others. People who really fear God are rare but still there are opportunities to live a positive and moral life. Therefore, I shall strongly advise your brother to think about switching a job. If he decides to do so, Allah will help him a lot in finding such a job.


Muhammad Mubashir Nazir

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Cheating Bosses of Customers???
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