Why does God interfere in our test?



I have been highly mentally disturbed due to many questions popping up in my mind. I hope u people can rescue me to relax my mind to perform my daily routines.

Thanks for your consideration.

Please reply soon.

I have written things not in an order. It again shows my anxiety or mental unease.

Questions about DUA (Prayer) ……..many ……………!!!!!!!!!

Well …………. the core issue is “intervention of God ” in this world !

1) Why God accepts my pray and not yours? (If He accepts or rejects)

2) Suppose if u plan to kill someone and leave home to kill and fire on him , it ‘s up to God, either he is saved or killed.

now keeping this ideology in mind , questions rise;

3) If that person is killed by me ….and if I’m caught, I will be punished here and hereafter. His life saving was in God ‘s control, why will I be punished? His saving will bring lots of things together……..!  If I want to kill someone, I can kill. If I want to save or kill  someone.  Shouldn’t it be in my hand???, and on the Dooms Day God can take step against me, him or anyone. Why intervention ???????????? Once God has sent me in the world …………….. why do He intervenes……..??????????????

It is said this world is an “exam hall” ……….. so why intervention after distributing question paper? Let me solve the paper … on the basis of my “right or wrong selection ……………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why intervention ??????????

On what ground or rule. He listens prayers ………….?

A Hindu person is cured by reciting Geeta ……………..

A Christain is cured through ……… Bible. Or a person who does not believe in oneness of God ?

A Muslim uses verses of the Holy Quran …. for the same reason ………….?

Everyone is cured………..how?

Are these only words curing people ……………………..?

If yes…………..how does it affect upon “ practical approach” ?

4) Are couples already decided in heavens ? The amount I earn, eatables during my whole life and number of kids. Already settled? If yes ………..why have I been sent ?

5) If dua (prayer) has huge importance in the prevailing Islam … if it’s correct, what space or significance ……… ………. practical approach has?

6) Why doesn’t God leave things on us. After sending here …………………. ? We can’t select our parents, country, race culture ……. these our limitations ………………………. And then one more that I can take this and that decision ………………………..? Why ? If there’s intervention ……………………….. on what rules……………….? 

God asks us to follow certain rules ………………….. Why doesn’t He … Himself follow ….. rules……………….? My prayer is accepted, his prayer is rejected …………. Yours is accepted ………. why and how ………… ? Only relying on prayer or some work ? If prayer has such huge impact …… why KASHMIR is still in Indian occupation ? Why I work here abroad ………………. why do u work in Pakistan?

Please reply soon

A Reader, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

Dear Brother

Wa alaikum us salam wa Rahmatullah e wa Barakatuhu

Thanks for sharing your questions. Before answering, why not we get introduced with each other. I am a Risk Management Professional from Jhelum, Pakistan currently working at a consulting firm in Jeddah. In addition to my profession, I have a strong interest in religion and theology. I have been studying these subjects for a period of 20 years. Please also provide your introduction.

Based on my experience, I would like to advise you that we should not be panic due to popping up of questions. We should free our minds to face the questions in a bold way. We should be flexible enough to challenge our existing beliefs if we find something better. About God and universe, questions appear in human minds since ancient times and people are trying to search the answers. So take this process as normal and don’t be afraid.

About God, we should ask questions to understand His creation and Divine Schemes. Our objective should be to understand but we must not put an objection on God’s schemes.

The answers to your questions are appended in your mail. Please feel free to ask any further questions. I like thinking on questions and willing to answer your questions but really apologize for any debate because the debates usually result nothing. Also ask these questions from other scholars, compare the results and select the best one.

You can also call me on mobile during day time, if you want to discuss something personally.

Remember in your prayers,


Your brother

Muhammad Mubashir Nazir

Oct 2008

General Answer: Your basic question is only one i.e. “intervention of God”. All other questions are different styles to ask the same thing. So let me answer this question in detail, all other issues will resolve automatically.

This question was answered by many philosophers but the best answer is given by Caliph Ali رضی اللہ عنہ, the man of great wisdom. A person asked him the same question. Ali asked him to raise his leg. He raised his leg. Ali asked him to raise his second leg. He was unable to do so. Ali said, “The matter of life is like that. We are given some authority and the some portion is kept by the God.”

We are accountable for our authority and will be rewarded / punished according to that. We will not be accountable for the things beyond our control and we will not be rewarded / punished for them.

According to the Quran, Allah, the Almighty, asked different creatures to present themselves for a test: The test involved living according to God’s will with an open choice. All creatures did not accept this challenge but the human being accepted it. Our conscience tells us that we accepted this challenge willingly without any coercion of God.

Think about an example. If someone asks us to follow his instructions (within our capabilities) for a period of one year and he is willing to pay us a billion dollar, would you accept this offer? Obviously, yes. This “yes” tells us that human beings want to do anything for a great benefit. Same is the case of God’s Scheme.

The Almighty Allah does not intervene in this test. He intervenes in other matters which are not the part of our test. Our examiners decide the test center, working conditions, location, rules of examination etc. but do not force us to write a particular response to a question.

Allah will not reward / punish us for our race, skin color, intellectual level, gender etc. He will reward / punish for those deeds which we are doing according to our free will. If our action is controlled by someone else, we will not be accountable for that. For example, the Quran has clearly expressed that the prostitutes who are forced to do sex will not be punished here or hereafter at all. It is there masters who will be punished because they force them for sex.

Based on this detail, now I reply your questions one by one.

Question: Why God accepts my prayers and not yours ? (IF He accepts or rejects)

Answer: God accepts some of your prayers and rejects some of them. When He rejects a prayer, it is in our favor because our knowledge is limited and His knowledge is beyond any limits. But He will reward you for all of your prayers because praying itself is equivalent to submitting oneself to God. Prayer itself is a rewardable deed. Same is the case with me and other people and there is no difference on person-to-person basis.

Question: Suppose if you plan to kill someone and leave home to kill and fire on him , it ‘s upto God , either he is saved or killed ” now keeping this ideology in mind , questions rise; If that person is killed by me ….and if I’m caught. I will be punished here and hereafter. His life saving was in God ‘s control , why will I be punished ?

Answer: In this case, I will be punished for the intention and action which was under my control. Even if God saves that person, the killer will be punished because he has attempted to kill another with his free will. If his mind was beyond his own control, then the Almighty will definitely consider his circumstances.

Question:  His saving will bring lots of things together ……..! If I want to kill someone , I can kill. If I want to save or kill  someone .  Shouldn’t it be in my hand???, and on the Dooms Day God can take step against me , him or anyone. Why intervention ????????????

Answer: God’s intervention has nothing to do with your test. You will be rewarded, if you are trying to save a life with your free will, even if the attempt is not successful. Similarly a killer will be punished, if he is trying to kill another with his free will, even if the attempt was unsuccessful. In a Hadith, Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ واٰلہ وسلم described the punishment for the killer and the killed person in case of a fight. The person who was killed was also willing to kill the other person with his free will.

Question: Once God has sent me in the world …………….. why does He intervene……..?????????????? It is said this world is an “exam hall” ……….. so why intervention after distributing question paper? Let me solve the paper … on the basis of my “right or wrong selection ……………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why intervention ??????????

Answer: Allah does not intervene in our decision to select the right or wrong. He intervenes only in administrative matters. Examiners in our exams also intervene in arranging seats, water, air conditioner etc. in an exam hall. Can we say that they are manipulating our response? If no, then the Almighty is also not intervening in writing our response to the questions given by Him. Giving a question and setting the exam conditions is not an intervention in the response.

A computer based exam provides us questions one by one after clicking an answer. Each candidate receives a different exam but scores of all of them are re-adjusted based on the difficulty level. Similar is the test of life. Our scores will be readjusted according to the difficulty level of our exam. People with difficult questions will be compensated for their additional effort. You can read the following article on this issue. I think it will help.

Question: On what ground or rule .he listens prays………….?

    A Hindu person is cured by reciting Geeta……………..

    A Christian is .cured through………Bible. or a person who does not believe in oneness of God ?     

    A Muslim uses verses of the Holy Quran …. for the same reason ………….?

    Everyone is cured ……….. how ?

Answer: Prayer is a manifestation of our attitude towards God. He cures even atheists who do not pray at all. We pray to demonstrate our submission to our Lord. Sometimes, He cures with prayer and sometimes, He does the same without it. But He will reward us for all of our prayers due to our attitude for bowing down to Him with our free will.

Question: Are these only words curing people ……………………..?

if yes…………..how does it affect upon “practical approach” ?

Are couples already decided in heavens ? The amount I earn, eatables during my whole life and number of kids. Already settled? If yes ……….. why have I been sent ? If dua has huge importance in the prevailing Islam … if it’s correct. What space or significance practical approach has?

Answer: Our practical approach is a part of God’s plan. For example, it might be written in His plan, “if Mr. X will decide to marry, I will provide the circumstances in which he will meet Ms. Y. If X will not decide to marry, I will not provide the circumstances.” God knows whether X will decide to marry or not.

Taqdeer (Divine Knowledge) is nothing except the God’s pre-knowledge. If a teacher predicts, Z is not a hard-working student, he will fail in exams. Teacher’s prediction has not forced Z to keep himself from hard work. God’s knowledge is perfect. It is His prediction based on His perfect knowledge. It does not force us to select the right / wrong path.

The matters where He forces us to do a particular course of action are not part of our exam. For example, God has forcefully made me a Pakistani. It is not an exam question. It is simply like the location of exam center. In Pakistan there are certain circumstances, it is like the exam conditions e.g. air conditioning, seating plan etc. Now the real test is my attitude towards God and His creatures which is under my control and I’m accountable for that.

Question: Why doesn’t God leave things on us. After sending here?

Answer: Within our limited authority, we have made this beautiful earth, a place of disorder and anarchy. If He had given us absolute powers, then definitely, we might had destroyed it at least 10 times. So thanks to Him, He has provided us a limited authority.

Question: We can’t select our parents, country, race culture…….these are limitations ………………………. And then one more that I can take this and that decision ………………………..? Why ?

Answer: We can’t select our parents etc. because it is not the part of our test. It is like setting the exam location.

Question: If there’s intervention ……… on what rules……………….? God asks us to follow certain rules ………… ………  Why doesn’t He …himself follow rules ……………….?

Answer: God asks us to follow certain ethical principles e.g. justice, love etc. He has made it obligatory for Him to follow the same rules. Due to our lack of knowledge, we may not understand some of His acts but it become clear when we receive additional knowledge. Now many actions of God are clarified by the science which were not clear to ancient people.

Question: My prayer is accepted his rejected …………. your prayer is accepted……….why and how …………? Only relying on pray or some work ?

Answer:  Rely on both. Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ واٰلہ وسلم asked a person to tie his camel and then pray for its security.

Question: If pray has such huge impact……why KASHMIR is still in Indian occupation ?

Answer: It is a separate topic. Simply, we have prayed for Kashmir but we have not taken the right steps for it. We are like that villager who has not tied his camel properly but praying for its security. We missed a lot of opportunities regarding Kashmir issue and treated the matter in a wrong way.

Question: Why I work here abroad ……. why do you work in Pakistan?

Answer: We work abroad because at the moment, we are facing the test-question of Shukr (thankfulness). Our brothers and sisters in Pakistan are facing the test-question of Sabr (patience) at the moment. May be, after some time, we may be facing the test-question of Sabr and they might be facing the test-question of Shukr.

Muhammad Mubashir Nazir

Don’t hesitate to share your questions and comments. They will be highly appreciated. I’ll reply as soon as possible if I know the answer. Send at mubashirnazir100@gmail.com.

Why does God interfere in our test?
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